Chelmsford Cathedral Chelmsford Cathedral

Meet the team

The Very Rev’d Paul Kennington

The interim Dean of Chelmsford

Paul was born in Leeds, W.Yorkshire. In 1985 he graduated in French and Russian at Durham University, after which he went to St Stephen’s House, Oxford to study for a B.A in Theology. He graduated in 1988 and was awarded his Oxford M.A. in 1992.

Ordained deacon in 1988 and priest in 1989 in the diocese of Oxford, Paul served his curacy at St Andrew’s, Headington in Oxford. In 1991 he moved to the parish of St Clement in East Dulwich in the diocese of Southwark where he served at St Peter’s, Dulwich, a local ecumenical project with the Roman Catholic Benedictine Community of Worth Abbey. In 1994 he was appointed team vicar at All Saints, in the Mortlake and East Sheen Team Ministry, and in 2001 he took up the post of vicar of St Mary’s Battersea before moving to Montreal in 2010 to be Dean of Montreal and rector of Christ Church Cathedral in the Anglican Church of Canada. Since 2016 he has been the vicar of St Andrew's, Leytonstone and now he is delighted to serve as the interim Dean of Chelmsford Cathedral. 

Paul describes himself as being liberal in ethics, evangelical in preaching, catholic in liturgy, and orthodox in his understanding of Trinitarian theology and Christology. He is passionate about liturgy and mission and about helping people to grow in their faith, so that the Christian community can more fully participate in God’s reign of love, justice and peace, loving God ever more fervently with the best they can offer, and serving their neighbours ever more generously and sacrificially.

Paul lives with his civil-partner Jonathan. He has three adult children, Timothy, Marie-Caroline and Philippa, from a previous marriage, and one grandson.

01245 294497

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Ministry team


The Chapter of Chelmsford Cathedral is responsible for all aspects of the strategic leadership and governance of the Cathedral.

Chapter comprises the Dean, the Residentiary Canons and a number of additional non-executive lay people appointed as set out in the Cathedral's governing documents known as its Constitution and Statutes, one of whom acts as the Senior Non Executive Member (SNEM) who is the Vice Chair. The Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Finance Officer also attend Chapter meetings.

The operational management of the Cathedral is enabled by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) chaired by the Chief Operating Officer and comprising the Dean, the Residentiary Canons and the Director of Finance. Other senior members of staff may also be invited to attend SLT meetings.

The Very Rev’d Paul Kennington
Interim Dean of Chelmsford

View bio and contact details

The Very Rev’d Paul Kennington

Interim Dean of Chelmsford

Lorna Quinn
Non-Executive Member of Chapter responsible for Safeguarding

Lorna Quinn

Non-Executive Member of Chapter responsible for Safeguarding

Dawn Weddell
Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Dawn Weddell

Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Adedamola Aboaba
Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Adedamola Aboaba

Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Robert Eveleigh
Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Robert Eveleigh

Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Tim Matthews
Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Tim Matthews

Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Andrew Copp
Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Andrew Copp

Non-Executive Member of Chapter

Music team

Matthew Foster
Organ Scholar

Matthew Foster

Organ Scholar

Office, Finance & Communications


Call 01245 252429 or send an email to the Vergers.

John Elliott

Head Verger

David Robinson


Ed Haynes


Paul Hardy


Church Wardens

Cathedral Wardens and Deputy Wardens represent members of the congregation in matters of the day-to-day operation of the Cathedral. Our role is to support all those involved in taking forward the work and mission of the Cathedral including clergy and lay staff.

Send an email to the wardens:

Katie Miller

Katie Miller

Church Warden

I have been a member of the Cathedral congregation almost all my life and I am particularly involved in music here. I want to see the Cathedral and its congregation grow together into the future.

Susan Hawkings

Church Warden

I have been attending the Cathedral for over ten years. My main interest and responsibility is the Family and Children’s work, particularly the work of Junior Church. I also want everyone who comes through our doors to feel welcome and valued. 

Valerie Anderson

Valerie Anderson

Church Warden

I focus on supporting all those who make everyone who comes to worship at the Cathedral feel welcome, safe and at ease.

Elizabeth Anscombe

Elizabeth Anscombe

Deputy Church Warden

I am Elizabeth, and very interested in welcoming children to the Cathedral and making that experience as positive and encouraging as possible.

Stephen Scott

Deputy Church Warden

Frans-Bauke van der Meer

Deputy Church Warden

I am a chorister parent, and I feel like I've found a home in the Cathedral. I volunteered because it will be nice to help and make this house a welcoming home for others, too.