Chelmsford Cathedral has recently installed new live streaming equipment, to enable better streaming of services, broadcast from the Cathedral building.
With the decision to close the Cathedral for public services, to help bring the spread of the coronavirus under control, a more versatile system was needed.
'We have been live streaming since March, using a mobile phone on a tripod' said Comms and Services Manager, Clare Broome, 'and we have realised just how important still being able to connect with the community during lockdown has been. But it has also been great to welcome a much wider community from around the world, to share in our worship.
Income, like with most public spaces, is considerably reduced at the moment so we have been really grateful to receive several individual donations towards this equipment and an Allchurches Trust Hope Beyond grant of £3,300 towards the streaming equipment'.
Hope Beyond aims to enable churches and Christian charities to meet changing needs within their communities, helping them and the communities they support to adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Do join our Facebook community, live on Sunday mornings at 10.30am @chelmsfordcathedral