Fellowship Groups

Deepen your faith and fellowship

Fellowship Groups meet throughout the year and you are warmly invited to join one.

Joining a Fellowship Group is a good way of spending time with other people of faith, building relationships and studying God’s word together.

As each group is starting to look at a new book, this would be a good time to join and make this part of your journey through Lent.

Contact Rev'd Kate Moore if you'd like to know more about the groups on offer and what they offer: kate.moore@chelmsfordcathedral.org.uk

  • Wednesday Afternoon Group

    A group that meets with Gervase Vernon will next meet on Wednesday May 2nd and will be looking at John Pritchard's book 'Twenty Questions Jesus Asked'. You can contact them at gervase@jgvernon.co.uk.

  • Wednesday Evening Groups

    Two groups meet on alternate Wednesday evenings via Zoom.

    One is run by Sue Hawkings who can be contacted via wsrjhawkings@btinternet.com. They will be studying a book from the Old Testament and their summer term sessions start on Wednesday May 15th. 

    A group that meets with Patrick Sherring will meet next on April 24th and then fortnightly looking at Paula Gooder's 'The Joy of the Gospel'. For further details email patrick.sherring@gmail.com